RRT* Examples

LQR-RRT* with Linear Dynamics

The LQR-RRT* algorithm can be run with linear dynamics using the following.

 1def lin_lqrrrtstar():
 2    import numpy as np
 4    import gncpy.dynamics.basic as gdyn
 5    import gncpy.control as gctrl
 6    from gncpy.planning.rrt_star import LQRRRTStar
 8    SEED = 29
10    start_time = 0
11    dt = 0.01
13    rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
15    # define dynamics
16    dynObj = gdyn.DoubleIntegrator()
17    pos_inds = [0, 1]
18    dynObj.control_model = lambda _t, *_args: np.array([[0, 0], [0, 0], [1, 0], [0, 1]])
19    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
20    state_args = (dt,)
22    # define starting and ending state
23    end_state = np.array([0, 2.5, 0, 0]).reshape((4, 1))
24    start_state = np.array([0, -2.5, 0, 0]).reshape((4, 1))
26    # define some circular obstacles with center pos and radius (x, y, radius)
27    obstacles = np.array(
28        [
29            [0, -1.35, 0.2],
30            [1.0, -0.5, 0.2],
31            [-0.95, -0.5, 0.2],
32            [-0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
33            [0.8, 0.7, 0.2],
34            [1.1, 2.0, 0.2],
35            [-1.2, 0.8, 0.2],
36            [-1.1, 2.1, 0.2],
37            [-0.1, 1.6, 0.2],
38            [-1.1, -1.9, 0.2],
39            [1.0 + np.sqrt(2) / 10, -1.5 - np.sqrt(2) / 10, 0.2],
40        ]
41    )
43    # define enviornment bounds
44    minxy = np.array([-2, -3])
45    maxxy = np.array([2, 3])
46    search_area = np.vstack((minxy, maxxy))
48    # define the LQR planner
49    lqr = gctrl.LQR()
50    Q = 50 * np.eye(len(dynObj.state_names))
51    R = 0.6 * np.eye(u_nom.size)
52    lqr.set_cost_model(Q, R)
53    lqr.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj, dt=dt)
55    # define the state sampler for the LQR-RRT* object
56    def sampling_fun(rng, pos_inds, min_pos, max_pos):
57        out = np.zeros((len(dynObj.state_names), 1))
58        out[pos_inds] = rng.uniform(min_pos.ravel(), max_pos.ravel()).reshape((-1, 1))
60        return out
62    # Initialize LQR-RRT* Planner
63    lqrRRTStar = LQRRRTStar(rng=rng, sampling_fun=sampling_fun)
64    lqrRRTStar.set_environment(search_area=search_area, obstacles=obstacles)
65    lqrRRTStar.set_control_model(lqr, pos_inds)
67    # Run Planner
68    trajectory, cost, u_traj, fig, frame_list = lqrRRTStar.plan(
69        start_time,
70        start_state,
71        end_state,
72        use_convergence=True,
73        state_args=state_args,
74        disp=True,
75        plt_inds=[0, 1],
76        show_animation=True,
77        save_animation=True,
78        provide_details=True,
79    )
81    return frame_list

which gives this as output.


LQR-RRT* with Non-Linear Dynamics

The LQR-RRT* algorithm can be run with non-linear dynamics using the following.

 1def nonlin_lqrrrtstar():
 2    import numpy as np
 4    import gncpy.dynamics.basic as gdyn
 5    import gncpy.control as gctrl
 6    from gncpy.planning.rrt_star import LQRRRTStar
 8    d2r = np.pi / 180
 9    SEED = 29
11    start_time = 0
12    dt = 0.01
13    time_horizon = 100 * dt
15    rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
17    # define dynamics
18    dynObj = gdyn.CurvilinearMotion()
19    pos_inds = [0, 1]
21    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
23    # define starting and ending state
24    ang = 90 * d2r
25    vel = 0
26    start_state = np.array([0, -2.5, vel, ang]).reshape((-1, 1))
27    end_state = np.array([0, 2.5, vel, ang]).reshape((-1, 1))
29    # define some circular obstacles with center pos and radius (x, y, radius)
30    obstacles = np.array(
31        [
32            [0, -1.35, 0.2],
33            [1.0, -0.5, 0.2],
34            [-0.95, -0.5, 0.2],
35            [-0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
36            [0.8, 0.7, 0.2],
37            [1.1, 2.0, 0.2],
38            [-1.2, 0.8, 0.2],
39            [-1.1, 2.1, 0.2],
40            [-0.1, 1.6, 0.2],
41            [-1.1, -1.9, 0.2],
42            [1.0 + np.sqrt(2) / 10, -1.5 - np.sqrt(2) / 10, 0.2],
43        ]
44    )
46    # define enviornment bounds
47    minxy = np.array([-2, -3])
48    maxxy = np.array([2, 3])
49    search_area = np.vstack((minxy, maxxy))
51    # define the LQR planner
52    lqr = gctrl.LQR(time_horizon=time_horizon)
53    Q = np.diag([50, 50, 0.01, 0.1])
54    R = np.diag([0.0001, 0.001])
55    lqr.set_cost_model(Q, R)
56    lqr.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj, dt=dt)
58    # define the state sampler for the LQR-RRT* object
59    def sampling_fun(rng, pos_inds, min_pos, max_pos):
60        out = np.zeros((len(dynObj.state_names), 1))
61        out[pos_inds] = rng.uniform(min_pos.ravel(), max_pos.ravel()).reshape((-1, 1))
63        # sample velocity to make sure its not 0
64        bnd = 1
65        ii = 2
66        out[ii] = rng.uniform(-bnd, bnd)
67        while out[ii] < 1e-8:
68            out[ii] = rng.uniform(-bnd, bnd)
70        # sample turn angle to make sure its not 0
71        bnd = 5 * d2r
72        ii = 3
73        out[ii] = rng.uniform(ang - bnd, ang + bnd)
74        while out[ii] < 1e-8:
75            out[ii] = rng.uniform(ang - bnd, ang + bnd)
77        return out
79    # Initialize LQR-RRT* Planner
80    lqrRRTStar = LQRRRTStar(rng=rng, sampling_fun=sampling_fun)
81    lqrRRTStar.set_environment(search_area=search_area, obstacles=obstacles)
82    lqrRRTStar.set_control_model(lqr, pos_inds)
84    # Run Planner
85    trajectory, cost, u_traj, fig, frame_list = lqrRRTStar.plan(
86        start_time,
87        start_state,
88        end_state,
89        use_convergence=True,
90        disp=True,
91        plt_inds=[0, 1],
92        show_animation=True,
93        save_animation=True,
94        provide_details=True,
95        ttl="Non-Linear LQR-RRT*",
96    )
98    return frame_list

which gives this as output.


ELQR-RRT* with Non-Linear Dynamics

The ELQR-RRT* algorithm can be run with non-linear dynamics using the following.

  1def elqrrrtstar():
  2    import numpy as np
  4    import gncpy.dynamics.basic as gdyn
  5    import gncpy.control as gctrl
  6    from gncpy.planning.rrt_star import ExtendedLQRRRTStar
  8    d2r = np.pi / 180
  9    SEED = 29
 11    start_time = 0
 12    dt = 0.01
 13    time_horizon = 100 * dt
 15    rng = np.random.default_rng(SEED)
 17    # define dynamics
 18    dynObj = gdyn.CurvilinearMotion()
 19    pos_inds = [0, 1]
 21    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
 23    # define starting and ending state
 24    ang = 90 * d2r
 25    vel = 0
 26    start_state = np.array([0, -2.5, vel, ang]).reshape((-1, 1))
 27    end_state = np.array([0, 2.5, vel, ang]).reshape((-1, 1))
 29    # define some circular obstacles with center pos and radius (x, y, radius)
 30    obstacles = np.array(
 31        [
 32            [0, -1.35, 0.2],
 33            [1.0, -0.5, 0.2],
 34            [-0.95, -0.5, 0.2],
 35            [-0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
 36            [0.8, 0.7, 0.2],
 37            [1.1, 2.0, 0.2],
 38            [-1.2, 0.8, 0.2],
 39            [-1.1, 2.1, 0.2],
 40            [-0.1, 1.6, 0.2],
 41            [-1.1, -1.9, 0.2],
 42            [1.0 + np.sqrt(2) / 10, -1.5 - np.sqrt(2) / 10, 0.2],
 43        ]
 44    )
 46    # define enviornment bounds
 47    minxy = np.array([-2, -3])
 48    maxxy = np.array([2, 3])
 49    search_area = np.vstack((minxy, maxxy))
 51    # define the LQR controller
 52    controller = gctrl.ELQR(time_horizon=time_horizon, max_iters=300, tol=1e-2)
 53    controller_args = dict()
 54    Q = np.diag([50, 50, 4, 2])
 55    R = np.diag([0.05, 0.001])
 57    obs_factor = 1
 58    scale_factor = 1
 59    cost_args = (obstacles, obs_factor, scale_factor, minxy, maxxy)
 61    def non_quadratic_cost(
 62        tt,
 63        state,
 64        ctrl_input,
 65        end_state,
 66        is_initial,
 67        is_final,
 68        _obstacles,
 69        _obs_factor,
 70        _scale_factor,
 71        _bottom_left,
 72        _top_right,
 73    ):
 74        radius = 0
 75        cost = 0
 76        # cost for obstacles
 77        for obs in _obstacles:
 78            diff = state.ravel()[pos_inds] - obs[0:2]
 79            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff))
 80            # signed distance is negative if the robot is within the obstacle
 81            signed_dist = (dist - radius) - obs[2]
 82            if signed_dist > 0:
 83                continue
 84            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * signed_dist).item()
 86        # add cost for going out of bounds
 87        for ii, b in enumerate(_bottom_left):
 88            dist = (state[pos_inds[ii]] - b) - radius
 89            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * dist).item()
 91        for ii, b in enumerate(_top_right):
 92            dist = (b - state[pos_inds[ii]]) - radius
 93            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * dist).item()
 95        return cost
 97    # define modifications for quadratizing the cost function
 98    def quad_modifier(itr, tt, P, Q, R, q, r):
 99        rot_cost = 0.4
100        # only modify if within the first 2 iterations
101        if itr < 2:
102            Q[-1, -1] = rot_cost
103            q[-1] = -rot_cost * np.pi / 2
105        return P, Q, R, q, r
107    controller.set_cost_model(Q=Q, R=R, non_quadratic_fun=non_quadratic_cost, quad_modifier=quad_modifier)
108    controller.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj, dt=dt)
110    # define the state sampler for the LQR-RRT* object
111    def sampling_fun(rng, pos_inds, min_pos, max_pos):
112        out = np.zeros((len(dynObj.state_names), 1))
113        out[pos_inds] = rng.uniform(min_pos.ravel(), max_pos.ravel()).reshape((-1, 1))
115        # sample velocity to make sure its not 0
116        bnd = 1
117        ii = 2
118        out[ii] = rng.uniform(0.1, bnd)
119        while out[ii] < 1e-8:
120            out[ii] = rng.uniform(-bnd, bnd)
122        # # sample turn angle to make sure its not 0
123        out[3] = ang
125        return out
127    # Initialize ELQR-RRT* Planner
128    elqrRRTStar = ExtendedLQRRRTStar(rng=rng, sampling_fun=sampling_fun)
129    elqrRRTStar.set_environment(search_area=search_area, obstacles=obstacles)
130    elqrRRTStar.set_control_model(controller, pos_inds, controller_args=controller_args)
132    # Run Planner
133    trajectory, cost, u_traj, fig, frame_list = elqrRRTStar.plan(
134        start_time,
135        start_state,
136        end_state,
137        cost_args=cost_args,
138        disp=True,
139        plt_inds=pos_inds,
140        show_animation=True,
141        show_planner=True,
142        save_animation=True,
143        provide_details=True,
144        ttl="ELQR-RRT*",
145    )
147    return frame_list

which gives this as output.
