ELQR Examples

Gaussian Mixture Based

The multi-agent ELQR algorithm can be run for a finite horizon with non-linear dynamics and a use a Gaussian Mixture agent and target density with the following. This leverages the single agent ELQR formulation from GNCPy.

 1def modify_quadratize():
 2    import numpy as np
 4    import serums.models as smodels
 5    import gncpy.control as gcontrol
 6    from gncpy.dynamics.basic import IRobotCreate
 7    from carbs.guidance import ELQR
 9    d2r = np.pi / 180
11    tt = 0  # starting time when calculating control
12    dt = 0.01
13    time_horizon = 90 * dt  # run for 90 timesteps
15    # define starting and ending state for control calculation
16    end_states = [
17        np.array([1.5, 2, 90 * d2r]).reshape((3, 1)),
18        np.array([0, 2.5, 90 * d2r]).reshape((3, 1)),
19        np.array([-1.5, 2, 90 * d2r]).reshape((3, 1)),
20    ]
21    start_dist = smodels.GaussianMixture()
22    start_dist.add_components(
23        np.array([-1, -0.25, 90 * d2r]).reshape((-1, 1)),
24        np.diag([0.25, 0.25, 1 * d2r]),
25        0.5,
26    )
27    start_dist.add_components(
28        np.array([1, -0.25, 90 * d2r]).reshape((-1, 1)),
29        np.diag([0.25, 0.25, 1 * d2r]),
30        0.5,
31    )
33    # define nominal control input
34    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
36    # define dynamics
37    # IRobot Create has a dt that can be set here or it can be set by the control
38    # algorithm
39    dynObj = IRobotCreate(wheel_separation=0.258, radius=0.335 / 2.0)
41    # define Q and R weights for using standard cost function
42    Q = np.diag([1500, 1000, 1000])
43    R = 0.5 * np.eye(u_nom.size)
45    # define modifications for quadratizing the cost function
46    def quad_modifier(itr, tt, P, Q, R, q, r):
47        rot_cost = 0.4
48        # only modify if within the first 4 iterations
49        if itr < 4:
50            Q[-1, -1] = rot_cost
51            q[-1] = -rot_cost * np.pi / 2
53        return P, Q, R, q, r
55    # create control obect
56    singleELQR = gcontrol.ELQR(time_horizon=time_horizon)
57    singleELQR.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj)
58    singleELQR.dt = dt  # set here or within the dynamic object
59    singleELQR.set_cost_model(Q=Q, R=R)
61    # create guidance object
62    safety_factor = 4
63    y_ref = 0.9
65    elqr = ELQR()
66    elqr.set_control_model(singleELQR)
67    elqr.set_cost_model(
68        quad_modifier=quad_modifier,
69        safety_factor=safety_factor,
70        y_ref=y_ref,
71    )
73    # convert end locations into a distribution or "wayareas"
74    end_dist = elqr.targets_to_wayareas(end_states)
76    # calculate guidance
77    (
78        state_trajectories,
79        costs,
80        control_signals,
81        fig,
82        frame_list,
83    ) = elqr.plan(
84        tt,
85        start_dist,
86        end_dist,
87        provide_details=True,
88        show_animation=True,
89        save_animation=True,
90        plt_inds=[0, 1],
91        ttl="Multi-Agent GM Based ELQR",
92    )
94    return frame_list

which gives this as output.


Optimal Sub-Pattern Assignment Based

The multi-agent ELQR algorithm can be run for a finite horizon with non-linear dynamics and a use an OSPA based non-quadratic cost with the following. This leverages the single agent ELQR formulation from GNCPy.

 1def elqr_ospa():
 2    import numpy as np
 4    import serums.models as smodels
 5    import gncpy.control as gcontrol
 6    from gncpy.dynamics.basic import IRobotCreate
 7    from carbs.guidance import ELQROSPA
 8    from serums.distances import SingleObjectDistance
10    d2r = np.pi / 180
12    tt = 0  # starting time when calculating control
13    dt = 0.01
14    time_horizon = 90 * dt  # run for 90 timesteps
16    # define starting and ending state for control calculation
17    end_states = np.array([[1.5, 2, 90 * d2r], [0, 2.5, 90 * d2r], [-1.5, 2, 90 * d2r]])
18    start_states = np.array([[-1, -0.25, 90 * d2r], [1, -0.25, 90 * d2r]])
20    # define nominal control input
21    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
23    # define dynamics
24    # IRobot Create has a dt that can be set here or it can be set by the control
25    # algorithm
26    dynObj = IRobotCreate(wheel_separation=0.258, radius=0.335 / 2.0)
28    # define Q and R weights for using standard cost function
29    Q = np.diag([1500, 1000, 1000])
30    R = 0.5 * np.eye(u_nom.size)
32    # define modifications for quadratizing the cost function
33    def quad_modifier(itr, tt, P, Q, R, q, r):
34        rot_cost = 0.4
35        # only modify if within the first 4 iterations
36        if itr < 4:
37            Q[-1, -1] = rot_cost
38            q[-1] = -rot_cost * np.pi / 2
40        return P, Q, R, q, r
42    # create control obect
43    singleELQR = gcontrol.ELQR(time_horizon=time_horizon)
44    singleELQR.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj)
45    singleELQR.dt = dt  # set here or within the dynamic object
46    singleELQR.set_cost_model(Q=Q, R=R)
48    # create guidance object
49    pos_inds = [0, 1]
50    cutoff = 10
52    elqr = ELQROSPA()
53    elqr.set_control_model(singleELQR)
54    elqr.set_cost_model(
55        quad_modifier=quad_modifier,
56        ospa_inds=pos_inds,
57        ospa_cutoff=cutoff,
58        ospa_method=SingleObjectDistance.EUCLIDEAN,
59    )
61    # calculate guidance
62    (
63        state_trajectories,
64        costs,
65        control_signals,
66        fig,
67        frame_list,
68    ) = elqr.plan(
69        tt,
70        start_states,
71        end_states,
72        provide_details=True,
73        show_animation=True,
74        save_animation=True,
75        plt_inds=pos_inds,
76        ttl="Multi-Agent OSPA Based ELQR",
77    )
79    return frame_list

which gives this as output.


OSPA Based with Obstacles

The multi-agent ELQR algorithm can be run for a finite horizon with non-linear dynamics and a use an OSPA based non-quadratic cost plus an additional cost to avoid obstacles with the following. This leverages the single agent ELQR formulation from GNCPy.

  1def elqr_ospa_obstacles():
  2    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
  3    import numpy as np
  4    from matplotlib.patches import Circle
  6    import gncpy.control as gcontrol
  7    import gncpy.plotting as gplot
  8    from gncpy.dynamics.basic import IRobotCreate
  9    from carbs.guidance import ELQROSPA
 10    from serums.distances import SingleObjectDistance
 12    d2r = np.pi / 180
 14    tt = 0  # starting time when calculating control
 15    dt = 0.01
 16    time_horizon = 150 * dt  # run for 120 timesteps
 18    # define starting and ending state for control calculation
 19    end_states = np.array(
 20        [[1.5, 2, 90 * d2r], [0, 0.75, 90 * d2r], [-1.5, 2, 90 * d2r]]
 21    )
 22    start_states = np.array([[-1, -0.15, 90 * d2r], [1, -0.15, 90 * d2r]])
 24    # define nominal control input
 25    u_nom = np.zeros((2, 1))
 27    # define dynamics
 28    # IRobot Create has a dt that can be set here or it can be set by the control
 29    # algorithm
 30    dynObj = IRobotCreate(wheel_separation=0.258, radius=0.335 / 2.0)
 32    # define Q and R weights for using standard cost function
 33    Q = np.diag([1500, 1000, 1000])
 34    R = 0.4 * np.eye(u_nom.size)
 36    # define modifications for quadratizing the cost function
 37    def quad_modifier(itr, tt, P, Q, R, q, r):
 38        rot_cost = 0.4
 39        # only modify if within the first 2 iterations
 40        if itr < 2:
 41            Q[-1, -1] = rot_cost
 42            q[-1] = -rot_cost * np.pi / 2
 44        return P, Q, R, q, r
 46    # create control obect
 47    singleELQR = gcontrol.ELQR(time_horizon=time_horizon)
 48    singleELQR.set_state_model(u_nom, dynObj=dynObj)
 49    singleELQR.dt = dt  # set here or within the dynamic object
 50    singleELQR.set_cost_model(Q=Q, R=R)  # can also set the quad modifier here
 52    # define some circular obstacles with center pos and radius (x, y, radius)
 53    obstacles = np.array(
 54        [
 55            [0, -1.35, 0.2],
 56            [1.0, -0.5, 0.2],
 57            [-0.95, -0.5, 0.2],
 58            [-0.2, 0.3, 0.2],
 59            [0.8, 0.7, 0.2],
 60            [1.1, 2.0, 0.2],
 61            [-1.2, 0.8, 0.2],
 62            [-1.1, 2.1, 0.2],
 63            [-0.1, 1.6, 0.2],
 64            [-1.1, -1.9, 0.2],
 65            [(10 + np.sqrt(2)) / 10, (-15 - np.sqrt(2)) / 10, 0.2],
 66        ]
 67    )
 69    # define enviornment bounds for the robot
 70    bottom_left = np.array([-2, -3])
 71    top_right = np.array([2, 3])
 73    # define additional non-quadratic cost
 74    obs_factor = 1
 75    scale_factor = 1
 76    cost_args = (obstacles, obs_factor, scale_factor, bottom_left, top_right)
 78    def non_quadratic_cost(
 79        tt,
 80        state,
 81        ctrl_input,
 82        end_state,
 83        is_initial,
 84        is_final,
 85        _obstacles,
 86        _obs_factor,
 87        _scale_factor,
 88        _bottom_left,
 89        _top_right,
 90    ):
 91        cost = 0
 92        # cost for obstacles
 93        for obs in _obstacles:
 94            diff = state.ravel()[0:2] - obs[0:2]
 95            dist = np.sqrt(np.sum(diff * diff))
 96            # signed distance is negative if the robot is within the obstacle
 97            signed_dist = (dist - dynObj.radius) - obs[2]
 98            if signed_dist > 0:
 99                continue
100            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * signed_dist).item()
102        # add cost for going out of bounds
103        for ii, b in enumerate(_bottom_left):
104            dist = (state[ii] - b) - dynObj.radius
105            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * dist).item()
107        for ii, b in enumerate(_top_right):
108            dist = (b - state[ii]) - dynObj.radius
109            cost += _obs_factor * np.exp(-_scale_factor * dist).item()
111        return cost
113    # create guidance object
114    pos_inds = [0, 1]
115    cutoff = 10
117    elqr = ELQROSPA()
118    elqr.set_control_model(singleELQR)
119    elqr.set_cost_model(
120        quad_modifier=quad_modifier,
121        ospa_inds=pos_inds,
122        ospa_cutoff=cutoff,
123        ospa_method=SingleObjectDistance.EUCLIDEAN,
124        non_quad_fun=non_quadratic_cost,
125        non_quad_weight=10,
126    )
128    # create figure with obstacles to plot animation on
129    cmap = gplot.get_cmap(start_states.shape[0])
130    fig = plt.figure()
131    fig.add_subplot(1, 1, 1)
132    fig.axes[0].set_aspect("equal", adjustable="box")
133    fig.axes[0].set_xlim((bottom_left[0], top_right[0]))
134    fig.axes[0].set_ylim((bottom_left[1], top_right[1]))
135    for c_ind, start_state in enumerate(start_states):
136        fig.axes[0].scatter(
137            start_state[pos_inds[0]],
138            start_state[pos_inds[1]],
139            marker="o",
140            color=cmap(c_ind),
141            zorder=1000,
142        )
143    for obs in obstacles:
144        c = Circle(obs[:2], radius=obs[2], color="k", zorder=1000)
145        fig.axes[0].add_patch(c)
146    plt_opts = gplot.init_plotting_opts(f_hndl=fig)
147    gplot.set_title_label(
148        fig, 0, plt_opts, ttl="Multi-Agent OSPA Based ELQR w/ Obstacles"
149    )
151    # calculate guidance
152    (
153        state_trajectories,
154        costs,
155        control_signals,
156        fig,
157        frame_list,
158    ) = elqr.plan(
159        tt,
160        start_states,
161        end_states,
162        cost_args=cost_args,
163        provide_details=True,
164        show_animation=True,
165        save_animation=True,
166        plt_inds=pos_inds,
167        cmap=cmap,
168        fig=fig,
169    )
171    return frame_list

which gives this as output.
