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345 statements
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1"""For SERUMS Overbound Estimation."""
3from __future__ import annotations
5import numpy as np
6from scipy.optimize import minimize, basinhopping
7import serums.models as smodels
8import serums.distribution_estimator as de
9from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
10from scipy.stats import norm, halfnorm, t
11import serums.errors
12import scipy.special as special
13from typing import List, Callable
14import math
17def fusion(
18 varList: List[smodels.BaseSingleModel | smodels.BaseMixtureModel],
19 poly: Callable[
20 [List[smodels.BaseSingleModel | smodels.BaseMixtureModel]], np.ndarray
21 ],
22) -> np.ndarray:
23 """Calculate emperical output distribution as the fusion of inputs through a function.
25 This passes the input distributions through the provided function and gives an emperical sampling
26 from the resulting distribution. It can be used to calculate how the input distributions change through
27 the provided transformation. It is recommended to use a polynomial for the function but any function will
28 work as long as standard arithmetic operators are performed on the distribution objects before any other
29 complex operations (due to the operator overloading within the distribution objects to provide samples).
31 Returns
32 -------
33 np.ndarray
34 Samples from the resulting distribution in an N x 1 array
35 """
36 max_size = max([x.monte_carlo_size for x in varList])
37 for x in varList:
38 x.monte_carlo_size = int(max_size)
39 return poly(*varList)
42class OverbounderBase(ABC):
43 """Represents base class for any overbounder object."""
45 def __init__(self):
46 pass
48 def _erf_gauss(self, X, mean, sigma):
49 phi = (X - mean) / (2**0.5)
50 n_terms = 55
51 gain = 2 / (np.pi**0.5)
53 terms = np.zeros(n_terms)
54 n = 0
56 while n < n_terms:
57 terms[n] = (
58 ((-1) ** n)
59 * (1 / (2 * n + 1))
60 * (1 / math.factorial(n))
61 * (phi / sigma) ** (2 * n + 1)
62 )
63 n = n + 1
65 return gain * sum(terms)
67 def _dsig_erf_gauss(self, X, mean, sigma):
68 phi = (X - mean) / (2**0.5)
69 n_terms = 55
70 gain = 2 / (np.pi**0.5)
72 terms = np.zeros(n_terms)
73 n = 0
75 while n < n_terms:
76 terms[n] = (
77 ((-1) ** (n + 1))
78 * (1 / math.factorial(n))
79 * (phi ** (2 * n + 1))
80 * ((1 / sigma) ** (2 * n + 2))
81 )
82 n = n + 1
84 return gain * sum(terms)
86 def _g_sigma(self, mean, Xi, Yi, sigma):
87 sub = 1 - 2 * Yi
88 return sub + self._erf_gauss(Xi, mean, sigma)
90 def _g_prime_sigma(self, mean, Xi, Yi, sigma):
91 return self._dsig_erf_gauss(Xi, mean, sigma)
93 def _h_sigma(self, Xi, Yi, sigma):
94 return -Yi + self._erf_gauss(Xi, 0, sigma)
96 def _h_prime_sigma(self, Xi, Yi, sigma):
97 return self._dsig_erf_gauss(Xi, 0, sigma)
99 def _find_sigma_g(self, mean, Xi, Yi):
100 sigma_0 = 0.75 * abs(Xi - mean)
101 sigma_iter = sigma_0
102 i = 1
104 while abs(self._g_sigma(mean, Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)) > 1e-14:
105 sigma_iter = sigma_iter - (
106 self._g_sigma(mean, Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)
107 / self._g_prime_sigma(mean, Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)
108 )
109 i = i + 1
111 return sigma_iter
113 def _find_sigma_h(self, Xi, Yi):
114 sigma_0 = 0.75 * abs(Xi)
115 sigma_iter = sigma_0
116 i = 1
118 while abs(self._h_sigma(Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)) > 1e-14:
119 sigma_iter = sigma_iter - (
120 self._h_sigma(Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)
121 / self._h_prime_sigma(Xi, Yi, sigma_iter)
122 )
123 i = i + 1
124 return sigma_iter
126 def _get_pareto_scale(self, Xi, Yi, shape):
127 return (shape * Xi) / (((1 - Yi) ** -shape) - 1)
129 def _gauss_1pt_pierce_cost(self, sigma, pt):
130 error = np.abs(pt[1] - halfnorm.cdf(pt[0], loc=0, scale=sigma))
131 return error
133 def _gauss_2pt_pierce_cost(self, gauss_param_array, pts):
134 vect = -pts[1] + 0.5 * (
135 1
136 + special.erf(
137 (pts[0] - gauss_param_array[0]) / (np.sqrt(2) * gauss_param_array[1])
138 )
139 )
141 return np.sum(vect**2)
143 @abstractmethod
144 def overbound(self, *args, **kwargs):
145 """Produce the overbound of the type denoted by the child class name."""
146 raise NotImplementedError("not implemented")
149class SymmetricGaussianOverbounder(OverbounderBase):
150 """Represents a Symmetric Gaussian Overbounder object."""
152 def __init__(self):
153 """Initialize an object.
155 Parameters
156 ----------
157 pierce_locator : float
158 Determines the proportional factor on the sample standard deviation
159 for the lower bound on the overbound enforcement. The default is 1
160 and should not be changed unless for experimental purposes.
162 Returns
163 -------
164 None.
165 """
166 super().__init__()
167 self.pierce_locator = 1
169 def overbound(self, data):
170 """Produce Gaussian model object that overbounds input error data.
172 Parameters
173 ----------
174 data : N numpy array
175 Array containing sample of error data to be overbounded.
177 Returns
178 -------
179 :class:`serums.models.Gaussian`
180 Gaussian distribution object which overbounds the input data.
181 """
182 n = data.size
183 sample_sigma = np.std(data, ddof=1)
184 threshold = self.pierce_locator * sample_sigma
185 OB_mean = 0
187 ecdf_ords = np.zeros(n)
188 for i in range(n):
189 ecdf_ords[i] = (i + 1) / n
191 sub = np.absolute(data)
192 abs_data = np.sort(sub)
194 confidence = 0.95
195 alfa = 1 - confidence
196 epsilon = np.sqrt(np.log(2 / alfa) / (2 * n))
197 DKW_low = np.subtract(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
199 sub = np.array(np.where(abs_data > threshold))
200 candidates = np.zeros(n)
202 for i in sub[0, 0:]:
203 pt = np.array([[abs_data[i]], [DKW_low[i]]])
204 ans = minimize(
205 self._gauss_1pt_pierce_cost,
206 sample_sigma,
207 args=(pt,),
208 method="Powell",
209 options={"xtol": 1e-14, "maxfev": 10000, "maxiter": 10000},
210 )
211 if ans.success is True:
212 candidates[i] = ans.x[0]
213 else:
214 candidates[i] = 0
216 rational_candidates = candidates[~np.isnan(candidates)]
217 OB_sigma = np.max(rational_candidates)
219 return smodels.Gaussian(
220 mean=np.array([[OB_mean]]), covariance=np.array([[OB_sigma**2]])
221 )
224class SymmetricGPO(OverbounderBase):
225 """Represents a Symmetric Gaussian-Pareto Overbounder object."""
227 def __init__(self):
228 """Initialize an object.
230 Parameters
231 ----------
232 inside_pierce_locator : float
233 Determines the proportional factor on the sample standard deviation
234 for the lower bound on the overbound enforcement in the core
235 region. The default is 1 and should not be changed unless for
236 experimental purposes.
237 ThresholdReductionFactor : int
238 Dividing factor for reduction of the space over which the search
239 is conducted for a threshold. Currently, this feature is not
240 implemented so there is no purpose in altering it.
242 Returns
243 -------
244 None.
245 """
246 super().__init__()
247 self.inside_pierce_locator = 1
248 self.ThresholdReductionFactor = 1
250 def overbound(self, data):
251 """Produce Symmetric Gaussian-Pareto model object that overbounds input error data.
253 Parameters
254 ----------
255 data : N numpy array
256 Array containing sample of error data to be overbounded.
258 Returns
259 -------
260 :class:`serums.models.SymmetricGaussianPareto`
261 Symmetric Gaussian-Pareto distribution object which overbounds the input data.
262 """
263 n = data.size
264 sigma = np.sqrt(np.var(data, ddof=1))
265 print("\nComputing Symmetric Gaussian-Pareto Overbound...")
267 pos = np.absolute(data)
268 sorted_abs_data = np.sort(pos)
270 Nt_min = 250
271 Nt_max = int(np.ceil(0.1 * n))
272 idx_u_min = n - Nt_max - 1
273 idx_u_max = n - Nt_min - 1
274 u_idxs = np.arange(idx_u_min, idx_u_max + 1)
275 u_candidates = sorted_abs_data[u_idxs]
276 Nu = u_candidates.size
277 shapes = np.zeros(Nu)
278 MLE_used = np.zeros(Nu, dtype=bool)
280 print("\nComputing Tail GPD Shape Parameter Estimates...\nProgress:")
282 resolution = 10 * (1 / Nu)
283 for i in range(Nu):
284 if i < Nu - 1:
285 fraction = i / Nu
286 checkpoint = np.floor(10 * fraction)
287 diagnostic = (10 * fraction) - checkpoint
288 if diagnostic < resolution:
289 print("{:3d}%".format(int(checkpoint * 10)))
290 else:
291 print("100%")
293 try:
294 shapes[i] = de.grimshaw_MLE(
295 np.subtract(
296 sorted_abs_data[u_idxs[i] + 1 :],
297 sorted_abs_data[u_idxs[i]] - 1e-25,
298 )
299 )[0]
300 MLE_used[i] = True
301 except serums.errors.DistributionEstimatorFailed:
302 shapes[i] = 0
304 shape_max = max(shapes)
305 idx_shape_max = np.where(shapes == shape_max)[0]
306 if shape_max <= 0:
307 raise serums.errors.OverboundingMethodFailed(
308 "MLE indicates exponential or finite tail. Use the Symmetric Gaussian Overbounder."
309 )
311 shape_max_covar = de.grimshaw_MLE(
312 np.subtract(
313 sorted_abs_data[u_idxs[idx_shape_max[0]] + 1 :],
314 sorted_abs_data[u_idxs[idx_shape_max[0]]] - 1e-25,
315 )
316 )[2]
318 tail_size = (n - 1) - u_idxs[idx_shape_max[0]]
319 tail_shape = shape_max + t.ppf(0.975, tail_size) * np.sqrt(
320 shape_max_covar[1, 1]
321 )
322 u_idx = u_idxs[idx_shape_max[0]]
323 u = sorted_abs_data[u_idx]
325 print("\nComputing Gaussian Overbound for Core Region...")
327 ecdf_ords = np.zeros(n)
328 for i in range(n):
329 ecdf_ords[i] = (i + 1) / n
331 confidence = 0.95
332 alfa = 1 - confidence
333 epsilon = np.sqrt(np.log(2 / alfa) / (2 * n))
334 DKW_low = np.subtract(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
336 core_min = self.inside_pierce_locator * np.sqrt(
337 np.var(sorted_abs_data[np.where(sorted_abs_data < u)[0]], ddof=1)
338 )
339 sub = np.where(sorted_abs_data > core_min)[0]
340 start = sub[0]
341 sub = np.where(sorted_abs_data < u)[0]
342 end = sub[-1]
343 candidates = np.zeros(n)
344 subs = np.arange(start, end + 2, 1)
346 for i in subs:
347 candidates[i] = self._find_sigma_h(sorted_abs_data[i], DKW_low[i])
349 real_candidates = candidates[~np.isnan(candidates)]
350 core_sigma = np.max(real_candidates)
352 print("\nComputing Tail GPD Scale Parameter...")
354 tail_idxs = np.arange(u_idx + 1, n, 1)
355 tail_pts = sorted_abs_data[tail_idxs]
356 shifted_tail_pts = np.zeros(n)
357 shifted_tail_pts[tail_idxs] = np.subtract(
358 sorted_abs_data[tail_idxs],
359 sorted_abs_data[u_idx],
360 )
361 scales = np.zeros(n)
363 Fu = self._erf_gauss(u, 0, core_sigma)
364 tail_DKW_ords_CEDF_domain = np.zeros(n)
365 tail_DKW_ords_CEDF_domain[tail_idxs] = np.subtract(DKW_low[tail_idxs], Fu) / (
366 1 - Fu
367 )
369 for i in tail_idxs:
370 scales[i] = self._get_pareto_scale(
371 shifted_tail_pts[i], tail_DKW_ords_CEDF_domain[i], tail_shape
372 )
374 rational_scales = scales[~np.isnan(scales)]
375 tail_scale = np.max(rational_scales)
377 print("\nDone.")
378 return smodels.SymmetricGaussianPareto(
379 scale=core_sigma,
380 threshold=u,
381 tail_shape=tail_shape,
382 tail_scale=tail_scale,
383 )
386class PairedGaussianOverbounder(OverbounderBase):
387 """Represents a Paired Gaussian Overbounder object."""
389 def __init__(self):
390 """Initialize an object.
392 Parameters
393 ----------
394 None.
396 Returns
397 -------
398 None.
399 """
400 super().__init__()
402 def _cost_left(self, params, x_check, y_check):
403 y_curve = norm.cdf(x_check, loc=params[0], scale=params[1])
404 cost_vect = y_curve - y_check
405 pos_indices = cost_vect >= 0
406 cost = np.sum(cost_vect[pos_indices])
407 cost += np.sum(-1000 * y_check.size * cost_vect[np.logical_not(pos_indices)])
408 return cost
410 def _cost_right(self, params, x_check, y_check):
411 y_curve = norm.cdf(x_check, loc=params[0], scale=params[1])
412 cost_vect = y_check - y_curve
413 pos_indices = cost_vect >= 0
414 cost = np.sum(cost_vect[pos_indices])
415 cost += np.sum(-1000 * y_check.size * cost_vect[np.logical_not(pos_indices)])
416 return cost
418 def overbound(self, data, debug_plots=False):
419 """Produce Paired Gaussian model object that overbounds input error data.
421 Parameters
422 ----------
423 data : N numpy array
424 Array containing sample of error data to be overbounded.
426 Returns
427 -------
428 :class:`serums.models.PairedGaussian`
429 Paired Gaussian distribution object which overbounds the input data.
430 """
431 n = data.size
432 sorted_data = np.sort(data)
433 init_mean = np.mean(data)
434 init_sigma = np.std(data, ddof=1)
435 init_guess = np.array([init_mean, init_sigma])
437 ecdf_ords = np.zeros(n)
438 for i in range(n):
439 ecdf_ords[i] = (i + 1) / n
441 confidence = 0.95
442 alfa = 1 - confidence
443 epsilon = np.sqrt(np.log(2 / alfa) / (2 * n))
444 DKW_low = np.subtract(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
445 DKW_high = np.add(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
447 left_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_high < (1 - epsilon)).nonzero()[0]
448 x_check_left = sorted_data[left_usable_idxs]
449 y_check_left = DKW_high[left_usable_idxs]
451 left_result = basinhopping(
452 self._cost_left,
453 init_guess,
454 niter=200,
455 stepsize=np.array([init_mean / 2, init_sigma / 2]),
456 minimizer_kwargs={
457 "args": (x_check_left, y_check_left),
458 "method": "Powell",
459 "options": {
460 "xtol": 1e-14,
461 "ftol": 1e-6,
462 "maxfev": 10000,
463 "maxiter": 10000,
464 },
465 },
466 )
468 right_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_low > epsilon).nonzero()[0]
469 x_check_right = sorted_data[right_usable_idxs]
470 y_check_right = DKW_low[right_usable_idxs]
472 right_result = basinhopping(
473 self._cost_right,
474 init_guess,
475 niter=200,
476 stepsize=np.array([init_mean / 2, init_sigma / 2]),
477 minimizer_kwargs={
478 "args": (x_check_right, y_check_right),
479 "method": "Powell",
480 "options": {
481 "xtol": 1e-14,
482 "ftol": 1e-6,
483 "maxfev": 10000,
484 "maxiter": 10000,
485 },
486 },
487 )
489 left_ob = smodels.Gaussian(
490 mean=left_result.x[0],
491 covariance=np.array([[left_result.x[1] ** 2]]),
492 )
493 right_ob = smodels.Gaussian(
494 mean=right_result.x[0],
495 covariance=np.array([[right_result.x[1] ** 2]]),
496 )
498 return smodels.PairedGaussian(left_ob, right_ob)
501class PairedGPO(OverbounderBase):
502 """Represents a Paired Gaussian-Pareto Overbounder Object."""
504 def __init__(self):
505 """Initialize an object.
507 Parameters
508 ----------
509 ThresholdReductionFactor : int
510 Dividing factor for reduction of the space over which the search
511 is conducted for a threshold. Currently, this feature is not
512 implemented so there is no purpose in altering it.
513 StrictPairedEnforcement : bool
514 Logical property which determines how the paired overbounds are
515 enforced. The default is False and should not be altered unless
516 the overbound is to be used with an alternate fusion algorithm
517 based on analytical methods rather than Monte-Carlo output
518 simulation.
520 Returns
521 -------
522 None.
523 """
524 super().__init__()
525 self.ThresholdReductionFactor = 1
526 self.StrictPairedEnforcement = False
528 def _cost_left(self, params, x_check, y_check):
529 y_curve = norm.cdf(x_check, loc=params[0], scale=params[1])
530 cost_vect = y_curve - y_check
531 pos_indices = cost_vect >= 0
532 cost = np.sum(cost_vect[pos_indices])
533 cost += np.sum(-10000 * y_check.size * cost_vect[np.logical_not(pos_indices)])
534 return cost
536 def _cost_right(self, params, x_check, y_check):
537 y_curve = norm.cdf(x_check, loc=params[0], scale=params[1])
538 cost_vect = y_check - y_curve
539 pos_indices = cost_vect >= 0
540 cost = np.sum(cost_vect[pos_indices])
541 cost += np.sum(-10000 * y_check.size * cost_vect[np.logical_not(pos_indices)])
542 return cost
544 def overbound(self, data):
545 """Produce Paired Gaussian-Pareto model object that overbounds input error data.
547 Parameters
548 ----------
549 data : N numpy array
550 Array containing sample of error data to be overbounded.
552 Returns
553 -------
554 :class:`serums.models.PairedGaussianPareto`
555 Paired Gaussian-Pareto distribution object which overbounds the input data.
556 """
557 n = data.size
558 data_sorted = np.sort(data)
559 idx_10p = int(np.ceil(0.1 * n))
560 idxs_cand_u_left = np.arange(250, idx_10p, 1)
562 max_shape_left = 0
563 idx_u_left = None
564 max_shape_covar_left = None
565 for i in idxs_cand_u_left:
566 try:
567 shape, scale, covar = de.grimshaw_MLE(
568 np.add(
569 np.abs(
570 np.subtract(
571 data_sorted[0:i],
572 data_sorted[i],
573 )
574 ),
575 1e-14,
576 )
577 )
578 if shape > max_shape_left:
579 max_shape_left = shape
580 idx_u_left = i
581 max_shape_covar_left = covar
582 except serums.errors.DistributionEstimatorFailed:
583 pass
585 if max_shape_left > 0:
586 gamma_left = max_shape_left
587 u_left = data_sorted[idx_u_left]
588 else:
589 raise serums.errors.OverboundingMethodFailed(
590 "MLE indicates exponential or finite left tail. Use the paired Gaussian Overbounder."
591 )
593 Nt_left = idx_u_left - 1
594 gamma_left = gamma_left + t.ppf(0.975, Nt_left) * np.sqrt(
595 max_shape_covar_left[1, 1]
596 )
598 idx_90p = int(np.floor(0.9 * n))
599 idxs_cand_u_right = np.arange(idx_90p, n - 250, 1)
601 max_shape_right = 0
602 idx_u_right = None
603 max_shape_covar_right = None
604 for i in idxs_cand_u_right:
605 try:
606 shape, scale, covar = de.grimshaw_MLE(
607 np.add(
608 np.abs(np.subtract(data_sorted[i:], data_sorted[i])),
609 1e-14,
610 )
611 )
612 if shape > max_shape_right:
613 max_shape_right = shape
614 idx_u_right = i
615 max_shape_covar_right = covar
616 except serums.errors.DistributionEstimatorFailed:
617 pass
619 if max_shape_right > 0:
620 gamma_right = max_shape_right
621 u_right = data_sorted[idx_u_right]
622 else:
623 raise serums.errors.OverboundingMethodFailed(
624 "MLE indicates exponential or finite right tail. Use the paired Gaussian Overbounder."
625 )
627 Nt_right = n - idx_u_right - 1
628 gamma_right = gamma_right + t.ppf(0.975, Nt_right) * np.sqrt(
629 max_shape_covar_right[1, 1]
630 )
632 init_mean = np.mean(data)
633 init_sigma = np.std(data, ddof=1)
634 init_guess = np.array([init_mean, init_sigma])
636 ecdf_ords = np.zeros(n)
637 for i in range(n):
638 ecdf_ords[i] = (i + 1) / n
640 confidence = 0.95
641 alfa = 1 - confidence
642 epsilon = np.sqrt(np.log(2 / alfa) / (2 * n))
643 DKW_low = np.subtract(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
644 DKW_high = np.add(ecdf_ords, epsilon)
646 if self.StrictPairedEnforcement is True:
647 left_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_high < (1 - epsilon)).nonzero()[0]
648 left_usable_idxs = left_usable_idxs[idx_u_left:]
649 x_check_left = data_sorted[left_usable_idxs]
650 y_check_left = DKW_high[left_usable_idxs]
651 else:
652 left_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_high < (0.5 + epsilon)).nonzero()[0]
653 left_usable_idxs = left_usable_idxs[idx_u_left:]
654 x_check_left = data_sorted[left_usable_idxs]
655 y_check_left = DKW_high[left_usable_idxs]
657 left_result = basinhopping(
658 self._cost_left,
659 init_guess,
660 niter=300,
661 stepsize=np.array([init_mean / 2, init_sigma / 2]),
662 minimizer_kwargs={
663 "args": (x_check_left, y_check_left),
664 "method": "Powell",
665 "options": {
666 "xtol": 1e-14,
667 "ftol": 1e-6,
668 "maxfev": 10000,
669 "maxiter": 10000,
670 },
671 },
672 )
674 left_mean = left_result.x[0]
675 left_sigma = left_result.x[1]
677 if self.StrictPairedEnforcement is True:
678 right_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_low > epsilon).nonzero()[0]
679 right_usable_idxs = right_usable_idxs[0 : -(n - 1 - idx_u_right)]
680 x_check_right = data_sorted[right_usable_idxs]
681 y_check_right = DKW_low[right_usable_idxs]
682 else:
683 right_usable_idxs = np.asarray(DKW_low > (0.5 - epsilon)).nonzero()[0]
684 right_usable_idxs = right_usable_idxs[0 : -(n - 1 - idx_u_right)]
685 x_check_right = data_sorted[right_usable_idxs]
686 y_check_right = DKW_low[right_usable_idxs]
688 right_result = basinhopping(
689 self._cost_right,
690 init_guess,
691 niter=300,
692 stepsize=np.array([init_mean / 2, init_sigma / 2]),
693 minimizer_kwargs={
694 "args": (x_check_right, y_check_right),
695 "method": "Powell",
696 "options": {
697 "xtol": 1e-14,
698 "ftol": 1e-6,
699 "maxfev": 10000,
700 "maxiter": 10000,
701 },
702 },
703 )
705 right_mean = right_result.x[0]
706 right_sigma = right_result.x[1]
708 Fu = norm.cdf(u_left, loc=left_mean, scale=left_sigma)
709 left_transformed_ords = np.divide(
710 np.negative(
711 np.subtract(
712 DKW_high[0 : idx_u_left - 1],
713 Fu,
714 )
715 ),
716 Fu,
717 )
718 left_transformed_ords = np.flip(left_transformed_ords)
719 shifted_left_tail = np.flip(
720 np.abs(np.subtract(data_sorted[0 : idx_u_left - 1], u_left))
721 )
723 max_beta_left = 0
725 for i in range(left_transformed_ords.size):
726 beta = self._get_pareto_scale(
727 shifted_left_tail[i], left_transformed_ords[i], gamma_left
728 )
729 if beta > max_beta_left:
730 max_beta_left = beta
732 if max_beta_left > 0:
733 beta_left = max_beta_left
734 else:
735 raise (
736 serums.errors.OverboundingMethodFailed(
737 "GPD scale parameter not found for left tail. Use the paired gaussian overbounder."
738 )
739 )
741 Fu = norm.cdf(u_right, loc=right_mean, scale=right_sigma)
742 right_transformed_ords = np.divide(
743 np.abs(np.subtract(DKW_low[idx_u_right + 1 :], Fu)), (1 - Fu)
744 )
745 shifted_right_tail = np.abs(
746 np.subtract(data_sorted[idx_u_right + 1 :], u_right)
747 )
749 max_beta_right = 0
751 for i in range(right_transformed_ords.size):
752 beta = self._get_pareto_scale(
753 shifted_right_tail[i], right_transformed_ords[i], gamma_right
754 )
755 if beta > max_beta_right:
756 max_beta_right = beta
758 if max_beta_right > 0:
759 beta_right = max_beta_right
760 else:
761 raise (
762 serums.errors.OverboundingMethodFailed(
763 "GPD scale parameter not found for right tail. Use the paired gaussian overbounder"
764 )
765 )
767 return smodels.PairedGaussianPareto(
768 left_tail_shape=gamma_left,
769 left_tail_scale=beta_left,
770 left_threshold=u_left,
771 left_mean=left_mean,
772 left_sigma=left_sigma,
773 right_tail_shape=gamma_right,
774 right_tail_scale=beta_right,
775 right_threshold=u_right,
776 right_mean=right_mean,
777 right_sigma=right_sigma,
778 )