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1"""Implements a multi-rotor dynamics model."""
2import numpy as np
3from scipy import integrate
4import enum
5import pathlib
6import os
7from ruamel.yaml import YAML
9import gncpy.wgs84 as wgs84
10from gncpy.dynamics.basic import DynamicsBase
11from gncpy.coordinate_transforms import ned_to_LLA
14yaml = YAML()
15r2d = 180.0 / np.pi
16d2r = 1 / r2d
19class AeroParams:
20 """Aerodynamic parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
22 Attributes
23 ----------
24 cd : float
25 Drag coefficent.
26 """
28 def __init__(self):
29 = 0
32class MassParams:
33 """Mass parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
35 Attributes
36 ----------
37 cg_m : list
38 Location of the cg in meters
39 mass_kg : float
40 Mass in kilograms
41 inertia_kgm2 : list
42 Each element is a list such that it creates the moment of inertia matrix.
43 """
45 def __init__(self):
46 self.cg_m = []
47 self.mass_kg = 0
48 self.inertia_kgm2 = []
51class PropParams:
52 """Propeller parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
54 Attributes
55 ----------
56 poly_thrust : list
57 coefficents for the polynomial modeling the thrust of the propellers.
58 poly_torque : list
59 coefficents for the polynomial modeling the torque from the propellers.
60 """
62 def __init__(self):
63 self.poly_thrust = []
64 self.poly_torque = []
67class MotorParams:
68 """Motor parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
70 Attributes
71 ----------
72 pos_m : list
73 Each element is a list of the position of the motor in meters.
74 dir : list
75 Each element is +/-1 indicating the direction the motor spins.
76 """
78 def __init__(self):
79 self.pos_m = []
80 self.dir = []
82 @property
83 def num_motors(self):
84 """Read only total number of motors."""
85 return len(self.dir)
88class GeoParams:
89 """Geometric parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
91 Attributes
92 ----------
93 front_area_m2 : list
94 Each element is a float representing the front cross sectional area at
95 different angles.
96 """
98 def __init__(self):
99 self.front_area_m2 = []
102class AircraftParams:
103 """Aircraft parameters to be parsed by the yaml parser.
105 Attributes
106 ----------
107 aero : :class:`.AeroParams`
108 Aerodynamic parameters.
109 mass : :class:`.MassParams`
110 Mass parameters.
111 geo : :class:`.GeoParams`
112 Geometric parameters
113 prop : :class:`.PropParams`
114 Propeller parameters.
115 motor : :class:`.MotorParams`
116 Motor parameters
117 """
119 def __init__(self):
120 = AeroParams()
121 self.mass = MassParams()
122 self.geo = GeoParams()
123 self.prop = PropParams()
124 self.motor = MotorParams()
135class Effector:
136 """Defines an effector."""
138 def step(self, input_cmds):
139 """Converts input commands to effector commands.
141 Returns
142 -------
143 numpy array
144 Effector commands
145 """
146 return input_cmds.copy()
149class ListEnum(list, enum.Enum):
150 """Helper class for using list values in an enum."""
152 def __new__(cls, *args):
153 """Creates new objects."""
154 assert len(args) == 2
155 try:
156 inds = list(args[0])
157 except TypeError:
158 inds = [
159 args[0],
160 ]
161 units = args[1]
163 obj = list.__new__(cls)
164 obj._value_ = inds
165 obj.extend(inds)
166 obj.units = units
168 return obj
170 def __init__(self, *args):
171 pass
173 def __str__(self):
174 """Converts to a string."""
175 return
177 def __eq__(self, other):
178 """Checks for equality."""
179 if self.__class__ is other.__class__:
180 return self.value == other.value
181 elif len(self.value) == 1:
182 return self.value[0] == other
183 elif len(self.value) == len(other):
184 return self.value == other
185 return NotImplemented()
187 @classmethod
188 def get_num_states(cls):
189 """Returns the total number of states in the enum."""
190 n_states = -1
191 for s in dir(cls):
192 if s[0] == "_":
193 continue
194 v = getattr(cls, s)
195 if max(v) > n_states:
196 n_states = max(v)
197 return n_states + 1
200class v_smap(ListEnum):
201 """Enum for the vehicle state that pairs the vector indices with units."""
203 lat = (0, "rad")
204 lon = (1, "rad")
205 alt_wgs84 = (2, "m")
206 alt_msl = (3, "m")
207 alt_agl = (47, "m")
208 ned_pos = ([4, 5, 6], "m")
209 ned_vel = ([7, 8, 9], "m/s")
210 ned_accel = ([10, 11, 12], "m/s^2")
211 pitch = (13, "rad")
212 roll = (14, "rad")
213 yaw = (15, "rad")
214 body_vel = ([16, 17, 18], "m/s")
215 body_accel = ([19, 20, 21], "m/s^2")
216 body_rot_rate = ([22, 23, 24], "rad/s")
217 body_rot_accel = ([25, 26, 27], "rad/s^2")
218 dyn_pres = (28, "Pa")
219 airspeed = (29, "m/s")
220 mach = (30, "")
221 aoa = (31, "rad")
222 aoa_rate = (32, "rad/s")
223 sideslip_ang = (33, "rad")
224 sideslip_rate = (34, "rad/s")
225 gnd_trk = (35, "rad")
226 fp_ang = (36, "rad")
227 gnd_speed = (37, "m/s")
228 dcm_earth2body = ([38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46], "")
230 @classmethod
231 def _get_ordered_key(cls, key, append_ind):
232 lst = []
233 for attr_str in dir(cls):
234 if attr_str[0] == "_":
235 continue
237 attr = getattr(cls, attr_str)
238 multi = len(attr.value) > 1
239 is_dcm = multi and "dcm" in
240 for ii, jj in enumerate(attr.value):
241 name = getattr(attr, key)
242 if append_ind:
243 if is_dcm:
244 r, c = np.unravel_index([ii], (3, 3))
245 name += "_{:d}{:d}".format(r.item(), c.item())
246 elif multi:
247 name += "_{:d}".format(ii)
249 lst.append((jj, name))
250 lst.sort(key=lambda x: x[0])
251 return tuple([x[1] for x in lst])
253 @classmethod
254 def get_ordered_names(cls):
255 """Get the state names in the order they appear in the vector including indices.
257 For example if the state vector has position p then velocity v this
258 would return :code:`['p_0', 'p_1', 'p_2', 'v_0', 'v_1', 'v_2']`.
259 Matrices have row then column as the index in the unraveled order.
261 Returns
262 -------
263 list
264 String with format :code:`NAME_SUBINDEX` sorted according to vector order.
265 """
266 return cls._get_ordered_key("name", True)
268 @classmethod
269 def get_ordered_units(cls):
270 """Get a list of units for each state in the vector in sorted order.
272 Returns
273 -------
274 list
275 String of the unit of the corresponding element in the state vector.
276 """
277 return cls._get_ordered_key("units", False)
280class e_smap(ListEnum):
281 """Enum for the environment state that pairs indices with units."""
283 temp = (0, "K")
284 speed_of_sound = (1, "m/s")
285 pressure = (2, "Pa")
286 density = (3, "kg/m^3")
287 gravity = ([4, 5, 6], "m/s^2")
288 mag_field = ([7, 8, 9], "uT")
289 terrain_alt_wgs84 = (10, "m")
292class Vehicle:
293 """Implements the base vehicle.
295 Attributes
296 ----------
297 state : numpy array
298 State of the aircraft.
299 params : :class:`.AircraftParams`
300 Parameters of the aircraft.
301 ref_lat : float
302 Reference lattiude in radians (for converting to NED)
303 ref_lon : float
304 Reference longitude in radians (for converting to NED)
305 takenoff : bool
306 Flag indicating if the vehicle has taken off yet.
307 """
309 __slots__ = ("state", "params", "ref_lat", "ref_lon", "takenoff")
311 def __init__(self, params):
312 """Initialize an object.
314 Parameters
315 ----------
316 params : :class:`.AircraftParams`
317 Parameters of the aircraft.
318 """
319 self.state = np.nan * np.ones(v_smap.get_num_states())
320 self.params = params
322 self.ref_lat = np.nan
323 self.ref_lon = np.nan
324 self.takenoff = False
326 def _get_dcm_earth2body(self):
327 return self.state[v_smap.dcm_earth2body].reshape((3, 3))
329 def set_dcm_earth2body(self, mat):
330 """Sets the dcm in the state vector.
332 Parameters
333 ----------
334 mat : 3x3 numpy array
335 Value to assign to the dcm.
336 """
337 self.state[v_smap.dcm_earth2body] = mat.flatten()
339 def _calc_aero_force_mom(self, dyn_pres, body_vel):
340 mom = np.zeros(3)
341 xy_spd = np.linalg.norm(body_vel[0:2])
342 if xy_spd < np.finfo(float).eps:
343 inc_ang = 0
344 else:
345 inc_ang = np.arctan(xy_spd / body_vel[2])
347 lut_npts = len(self.params.geo.front_area_m2)
348 front_area = np.interp(
349 inc_ang * 180 / np.pi,
350 np.linspace(-180, 180, lut_npts),
351 self.params.geo.front_area_m2,
352 )
354 vel_mag = np.linalg.norm(-body_vel)
355 if np.abs(vel_mag) < np.finfo(float).eps:
356 force = np.zeros(3)
357 else:
358 force = -body_vel / vel_mag * front_area * dyn_pres *
360 return force.ravel(), mom
362 def _calc_grav_force_mom(self, gravity, dcm_earth2body):
363 mom = np.zeros(3)
364 force = dcm_earth2body @ (gravity * self.params.mass.mass_kg).reshape((3, 1))
366 return force.ravel(), mom
368 def _calc_prop_force_mom(self, motor_cmds):
369 # motor model
370 m_thrust = -np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.params.prop.poly_thrust[-1::-1])(
371 motor_cmds
372 )
373 m_torque = -np.polynomial.Polynomial(self.params.prop.poly_torque[-1::-1])(
374 motor_cmds
375 )
376 m_torque = np.sum(m_torque * np.array(self.params.motor.dir))
378 # thrust to moment
379 motor_mom = np.zeros(3)
380 for ii, m_pos in enumerate(np.array(self.params.motor.pos_m)):
381 dx = m_pos[0] - self.params.mass.cg_m[0]
382 dy = m_pos[1] - self.params.mass.cg_m[1]
383 motor_mom[0] += dy * m_thrust[ii]
384 motor_mom[1] += -dx * m_thrust[ii]
386 motor_mom[2] += m_torque
388 # calc force
389 force = np.zeros(3)
390 force[2] = np.min([0, np.sum(m_thrust).item()])
392 return force, motor_mom
394 def _calc_force_mom(self, gravity, motor_cmds):
395 a_f, a_m = self._calc_aero_force_mom(
396 self.state[v_smap.dyn_pres], self.state[v_smap.body_vel]
397 )
398 g_f, g_m = self._calc_grav_force_mom(gravity, self._get_dcm_earth2body())
399 p_f, p_m = self._calc_prop_force_mom(motor_cmds)
401 if not self.takenoff:
402 self.takenoff = -p_f[2] > g_f[2]
404 if self.takenoff:
405 return (a_f + g_f + p_f, a_m + g_m + p_m)
406 else:
407 return np.zeros(a_f.shape), np.zeros(a_m.shape)
409 def eul_to_dcm(self, r1, r2, r3):
410 """Convert euler angles to a DCM.
412 Parameters
413 ----------
414 r1 : flaot
415 First rotation applied about the z axis (radians).
416 r2 : float
417 Second rotation applied about the y axis (radians).
418 r3 : float
419 Third rotation applied about the x axis (radians).
421 Returns
422 -------
423 3x3 numpy array
424 3-2-1 DCM.
425 """
426 cx = np.cos(r3)
427 cy = np.cos(r2)
428 cz = np.cos(r1)
429 sx = np.sin(r3)
430 sy = np.sin(r2)
431 sz = np.sin(r1)
433 return np.array(
434 [
435 [cy * cz, cy * sz, -sy],
436 [sx * sy * cz - cx * sz, sx * sy * sz + cx * cz, sx * cy],
437 [cx * sy * cz + sx * sz, cx * sy * sz - sx * cz, cx * cy],
438 ]
439 )
441 def _six_dof_model(self, force, mom, dt):
442 def ode_ang(t, x, m):
443 s_phi = np.sin(x[0])
444 c_phi = np.cos(x[0])
445 t_theta = np.tan(x[1])
446 c_theta = np.cos(x[1])
447 if np.abs(c_theta) < np.finfo(float).eps:
448 c_theta = np.finfo(float).eps * np.sign(c_theta)
449 eul_dot_mat = np.array(
450 [
451 [1, s_phi * t_theta, c_phi * t_theta],
452 [0, c_phi, -s_phi],
453 [0, s_phi / c_theta, c_phi / c_theta],
454 ]
455 )
457 xdot = np.zeros(6)
458 xdot[0:3] = eul_dot_mat @ x[3:6]
459 xdot[3:6] = np.linalg.inv(self.params.mass.inertia_kgm2) @ (
460 m - np.cross(x[3:6], self.params.mass.inertia_kgm2 @ x[3:6])
461 )
463 return xdot
465 def ode(t, x, f, m):
466 # x is NED pos x/y/z, body vel x/y/z, phi, theta, psi, body omega x/y/z
467 dcm_e2b = self.eul_to_dcm(x[8], x[7], x[6])
468 # uvw = x[3:6]
469 # eul = x[6:9]
470 # pqr = x[9:12]
472 xdot = np.zeros(12)
473 xdot[0:3] = dcm_e2b.T @ x[3:6]
474 xdot[3:6] = f / self.params.mass.mass_kg + np.cross(x[3:6], x[9:12])
475 xdot[6:12] = ode_ang(t, x[6:12], m)
477 return xdot
479 r = integrate.ode(ode).set_integrator("dopri5").set_f_params(force, mom)
480 eul_inds = v_smap.roll + v_smap.pitch + v_smap.yaw
481 x0 = np.concatenate(
482 (
483 self.state[v_smap.ned_pos].flatten(),
484 self.state[v_smap.body_vel].flatten(),
485 self.state[eul_inds].flatten(),
486 self.state[v_smap.body_rot_rate].flatten(),
487 )
488 )
489 r.set_initial_value(x0, 0)
490 y = r.integrate(dt)
492 if not r.successful():
493 raise RuntimeError("Integration failed.")
495 ned_pos = y[0:3]
496 body_vel = y[3:6]
497 roll = y[6]
498 pitch = y[7]
499 yaw = y[8]
500 body_rot_rate = y[9:12]
502 # get dcm
503 dcm_earth2body = self.eul_to_dcm(x0[8], x0[7], x0[6])
505 ned_vel = dcm_earth2body.T @ body_vel
507 xdot = ode(dt, x0, force, mom)
508 body_accel = xdot[3:6]
509 body_rot_accel = xdot[9:12]
510 ned_accel = body_accel - np.cross(x0[3:6], x0[9:12])
512 return (
513 ned_vel,
514 ned_pos,
515 roll,
516 pitch,
517 yaw,
518 dcm_earth2body,
519 body_vel,
520 body_rot_rate,
521 body_rot_accel,
522 body_accel,
523 ned_accel,
524 )
526 def calc_derived_states(
527 self, dt, terrain_alt_wgs84, density, speed_of_sound, ned_vel, ned_pos, body_vel
528 ):
529 """Calculates the parts of the state vector derived from other parts.
531 Parameters
532 ----------
533 dt : float
534 Delta time since last update.
535 terrain_alt_wgs84 : float
536 Altitude of the terrain relative to WGS-84 model in meters.
537 density : float
538 Density of the atmosphere.
539 speed_of_sound : float
540 Speed of sound in m/s.
541 ned_vel : numpy array
542 Velocity in NED frame.
543 ned_pos : numpy array
544 Body position in NED frame.
545 body_vel : numpy array
546 Velocity of the body in body frame.
548 Returns
549 -------
550 gnd_trk : float
551 Ground track.
552 gnd_speed : float
553 Ground speed.
554 fp_ang : float
555 flight path angle (radians).
556 dyn_pres : float
557 dynamic pressure.
558 aoa : float
559 Angle of attack (radians).
560 airspeed : float
561 Airspeed in m/s.
562 sideslip_ang : float
563 Sideslip angle in radians.
564 aoa_rate : float
565 Rate of change in the AoA (rad/s).
566 sideslip_rate : float
567 Rate of change in the sideslip angle (rad/s).
568 mach : float
569 Mach number.
570 lat : float
571 Latitude (radians).
572 lon : float
573 Longitude (radians).
574 alt_wgs84 : float
575 Altitude relative to WGS-84 model (meters).
576 alt_agl : float
577 Altitude relative to ground (meters).
578 alt_msl : float
579 Altitude relative to mean sea level (meters).
580 """
581 gnd_trk = np.arctan2(ned_vel[1], ned_vel[0])
582 gnd_speed = np.linalg.norm(ned_vel[0:2])
583 fp_ang = np.arctan2(-ned_vel[2], gnd_speed)
585 dyn_pres = 0.5 * density * np.sum(body_vel * body_vel)
587 aoa = np.arctan2(body_vel[2], body_vel[0])
588 airspeed = np.linalg.norm(body_vel)
589 if np.abs(airspeed) <= np.finfo(float).eps:
590 sideslip_ang = 0
591 else:
592 sideslip_ang = np.arcsin(body_vel[1] / airspeed)
594 aoa_rate = (aoa - self.state[v_smap.aoa]) / dt
595 sideslip_rate = (sideslip_ang - self.state[v_smap.sideslip_ang]) / dt
597 mach = airspeed / speed_of_sound
599 lla = ned_to_LLA(
600 ned_pos.reshape((3, 1)), self.ref_lat, self.ref_lon, terrain_alt_wgs84
601 )
602 lat = lla[0]
603 lon = lla[1]
604 alt_wgs84 = lla[2]
606 alt_agl = alt_wgs84 - terrain_alt_wgs84
607 alt_msl = wgs84.convert_wgs_to_msl(lla[0], lla[1], lla[2])
609 return (
610 gnd_trk,
611 gnd_speed,
612 fp_ang,
613 dyn_pres,
614 aoa,
615 airspeed,
616 sideslip_ang,
617 aoa_rate,
618 sideslip_rate,
619 mach,
620 lat,
621 lon,
622 alt_wgs84,
623 alt_agl,
624 alt_msl,
625 )
627 def step(self, dt, terrain_alt_wgs84, gravity, density, speed_of_sound, motor_cmds):
628 """Perform one update step for the vehicle.
630 This updates the internal state vector of the vehicle.
632 Parameters
633 ----------
634 dt : float
635 Delta time since last update.
636 terrain_alt_wgs84 : float
637 Altitude of the terrain relative to WGS-84 model in meters.
638 gravity : numpy array
639 gravity vector.
640 density : float
641 Density of the atmosphere.
642 speed_of_sound : float
643 Speed of sound in m/s.
644 motor_cmds : numpy array
645 Commands to the motors in normalized range.
646 """
647 force, mom = self._calc_force_mom(gravity, motor_cmds)
649 (
650 ned_vel,
651 ned_pos,
652 roll,
653 pitch,
654 yaw,
655 dcm_earth2body,
656 body_vel,
657 body_rot_rate,
658 body_rot_accel,
659 body_accel,
660 ned_accel,
661 ) = self._six_dof_model(force, mom, dt)
663 (
664 gnd_trk,
665 gnd_speed,
666 fp_ang,
667 dyn_pres,
668 aoa,
669 airspeed,
670 sideslip_ang,
671 aoa_rate,
672 sideslip_rate,
673 mach,
674 lat,
675 lon,
676 alt_wgs84,
677 alt_agl,
678 alt_msl,
679 ) = self.calc_derived_states(
680 dt, terrain_alt_wgs84, density, speed_of_sound, ned_vel, ned_pos, body_vel
681 )
683 # update state
684 self.state[v_smap.ned_vel] = ned_vel
685 self.state[v_smap.ned_pos] = ned_pos
686 self.state[v_smap.roll] = roll
687 self.state[v_smap.pitch] = pitch
688 self.state[v_smap.yaw] = yaw
689 self.set_dcm_earth2body(dcm_earth2body)
690 self.state[v_smap.body_vel] = body_vel
691 self.state[v_smap.body_rot_rate] = body_rot_rate
692 self.state[v_smap.body_rot_accel] = body_rot_accel
693 self.state[v_smap.body_accel] = body_accel
694 self.state[v_smap.ned_accel] = ned_accel
695 self.state[v_smap.gnd_trk] = gnd_trk
696 self.state[v_smap.gnd_speed] = gnd_speed
697 self.state[v_smap.fp_ang] = fp_ang
698 self.state[v_smap.dyn_pres] = dyn_pres
699 self.state[v_smap.aoa] = aoa
700 self.state[v_smap.aoa_rate] = aoa_rate
701 self.state[v_smap.airspeed] = airspeed
702 self.state[v_smap.sideslip_ang] = sideslip_ang
703 self.state[v_smap.sideslip_rate] = sideslip_rate
704 self.state[v_smap.mach] = mach
705 self.state[] = lat
706 self.state[v_smap.lon] = lon
707 self.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84] = alt_wgs84
708 self.state[v_smap.alt_agl] = alt_agl
709 self.state[v_smap.alt_msl] = alt_msl
712class Environment:
713 """Environment model.
715 Attributes
716 ----------
717 state : numpy array
718 Environment state vector.
719 """
721 def __init__(self):
722 """Initialize an object."""
723 self.state = np.nan * np.ones(e_smap.get_num_states())
725 def _lower_atmo(self, alt_km):
726 """Model of the lower atmosphere.
728 This code is extracted from the version hosted on
729 of Public Domain Aerospace Software.
730 """
731 REARTH = 6356.7523 # polar radius of the earth, kilometers
732 GZERO = 9.80665 # sea level accel. of gravity, m/s^2
733 MOLWT_ZERO = 28.9644 # molecular weight of air at sea level
734 RSTAR = 8314.32 # perfect gas constant, N-m/(kmol-K)
735 GMR = 1000 * GZERO * MOLWT_ZERO / RSTAR # hydrostatic constant, kelvins/km
737 TEMP0 = 288.15 # sea-level temperature, kelvins
738 PRES0 = 101325.0 # sea-level pressure, Pa
739 DENSITY0 = 1.225 # sea-level density, kg/cu.m
740 ASOUND0 = 340.294 # speed of sound at S.L. m/sec
742 htab = [0.0, 11.0, 20.0, 32.0, 47.0, 51.0, 71.0, 84.852]
743 ttab = [288.15, 216.65, 216.65, 228.65, 270.65, 270.65, 214.65, 186.946]
744 ptab = [
745 1.0,
746 2.2336110e-1,
747 5.4032950e-2,
748 8.5666784e-3,
749 1.0945601e-3,
750 6.6063531e-4,
751 3.9046834e-5,
752 3.68501e-6,
753 ]
754 gtab = [-6.5, 0.0, 1.0, 2.8, 0, -2.8, -2.0, 0.0]
756 # convert from geometric (height above geoid) to geopotential altitude
757 h = alt_km * REARTH / (alt_km + REARTH)
759 # binary search for atmo layer
760 i = 0
761 j = len(htab)
762 while j > i + 1:
763 k = (i + j) // 2
764 if h < htab[k]:
765 j = k
766 else:
767 i = k
768 tgrad = gtab[i] # temp. gradient of local layer
769 tbase = ttab[i] # base temp. of local layer
770 deltah = h - htab[i] # height above local base
771 tlocal = tbase + tgrad * deltah # local temperature
772 theta = tlocal / ttab[0] # temperature ratio
774 if 0.0 == tgrad:
775 delta = ptab[i] * np.exp(-GMR * deltah / tbase).item()
776 else:
777 delta = ptab[i] * (tbase / tlocal) ** (GMR / tgrad)
778 sigma = delta / theta
780 return (
781 sigma * DENSITY0,
782 delta * PRES0,
783 theta * TEMP0,
784 ASOUND0 * np.sqrt(theta),
785 )
787 def _atmo(self, alt_msl):
788 alt_km = alt_msl / 1000.0
789 if alt_km < 86:
790 return self._lower_atmo(alt_km)
791 else:
792 raise NotImplementedError(
793 "Upper atmosphere model (>86 km) not implemented."
794 )
796 def step(self, lat, lon, alt_wgs84, alt_msl):
797 """Perform one update step for the environment.
799 This updates the internal state vector.
801 Parameters
802 ----------
803 lat : float
804 Latitude (radians).
805 lon : float
806 Longitude (radians).
807 alt_wgs84 : float
808 Altitude relative to WGS-84 model (meters).
809 alt_msl : float
810 Altitude relative to mean sea level (meters).
811 """
812 density, pres, temp, spd_snd = self._atmo(alt_msl)
813 gravity = wgs84.calc_gravity(lat, alt_wgs84).ravel()
815 # update state
816 self.state[e_smap.temp] = temp
817 self.state[e_smap.speed_of_sound] = spd_snd
818 self.state[e_smap.pressure] = pres
819 self.state[e_smap.density] = density
820 self.state[e_smap.gravity] = gravity
823class SimpleMultirotor(DynamicsBase):
824 """Implements functions for a generic multi-rotor.
826 Attributes
827 ----------
828 effector : :class:`.Effector`
829 Effectors for the vehicle.
830 env : :class:`.Environment`
831 Environment the vehicle is in.
832 vehicle : :class:`.Vehicle`
833 Base vehicle class defining its physics.
834 """
836 state_names = v_smap.get_ordered_names()
837 """List of vehicle state names."""
839 state_units = v_smap.get_ordered_units()
840 """List of vehicle state units."""
842 state_map = v_smap
843 """Map of states to indices with units."""
845 def __init__(
846 self, params_file, env=None, effector=None, egm_bin_file=None, library_dir=None, **kwargs
847 ):
848 """Initialize an object.
850 Parameters
851 ----------
852 params_file : string
853 Full path to the config file.
854 env : :class:`.Environment`, optional
855 Environment for the vehicle. The default is None.
856 effector : :class:`.Effector`, optional
857 Effector for the vehicle. The default is None.
858 egm_bin_file : string, optional
859 Full path to the binary file for the EGM model. The default is None.
860 library_dir : string, optional
861 Default directory to look for config files defined by the package.
862 This is useful when extending this class outside of the gncpy
863 package to provide a new default search location. The default of
864 None is good for most other cases.
865 **kwargs : dict
866 Additional arguments for the parent class.
867 """
868 super().__init__(**kwargs)
869 if library_dir is None:
870 self.library_config_dir = os.path.join(pathlib.Path(__file__).parent.resolve(),)
871 else:
872 self.library_config_dir = library_dir
874 self._eff_req_init = effector is None
875 if self._eff_req_init:
876 self.effector = Effector()
877 else:
878 self.effector = effector
880 self._env_req_init = env is None
881 if self._env_req_init:
882 self.env = Environment()
883 else:
884 self.env = env
886 with open(self.validate_params_file(params_file), "r") as fin:
887 v_params = yaml.load(fin)
889 self.vehicle = Vehicle(v_params)
891 if egm_bin_file is not None:
892 wgs84.init_egm_lookup_table(egm_bin_file)
894 def validate_params_file(self, params_file):
895 """Validate that the parameters file exists.
897 If the path seperator is in the name then it is assumed a full path is
898 given and it is directly checked. Otherwise the current working directory
899 is checked first then if that fails the default library location is
900 checked.
902 Parameters
903 ----------
904 params_file : string
905 Path to config file (with name and extension).
907 Raises
908 ------
909 FileNotFoundError
910 If the file does not exist.
912 Returns
913 -------
914 cf : string
915 Full path to the config file (with name and extension).
916 """
917 if os.pathsep in params_file:
918 cf = params_file
919 else:
920 cf = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), params_file)
921 if not os.path.isfile(cf):
922 cf = os.path.join(self.library_config_dir, params_file)
924 if not os.path.isfile(cf):
925 raise FileNotFoundError("Failed to find config file {}".format(params_file))
927 return cf
929 def propagate_state(self, desired_motor_cmds, dt):
930 """Propagates all internal states forward 1 timestep.
932 Parameters
933 ----------
934 desired_motor_cmds : numpy array
935 The desired commands for the motors. Depending on the effectors
936 these may not be fully realized.
937 dt : float
938 Time change since the last update (seconds).
940 Returns
941 -------
942 numpy array
943 Copy of the internal vehicle state.
944 """
945 motor_cmds = self.effector.step(desired_motor_cmds)
947 self.env.step(
948 self.vehicle.state[],
949 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.lon],
950 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84],
951 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_msl],
952 )
953 self.vehicle.step(
954 dt,
955 self.env.state[e_smap.terrain_alt_wgs84],
956 self.env.state[e_smap.gravity],
957 self.env.state[e_smap.density],
958 self.env.state[e_smap.speed_of_sound],
959 motor_cmds,
960 )
962 return self.vehicle.state.copy().reshape((-1, 1))
964 def set_initial_conditions(
965 self,
966 ned_pos,
967 body_vel,
968 eul_deg,
969 body_rot_rate,
970 ref_lat_deg,
971 ref_lon_deg,
972 terrain_alt_wgs84,
973 ned_mag_field,
974 ):
975 """Sets the initial conditions for the state based on a few inputs.
977 Parameters
978 ----------
979 ned_pos : numpy array
980 Body position in NED frame.
981 body_vel : numpy array
982 Velocity of the body in body frame.
983 eul_deg : numpy array
984 Initial attidue in degrees and yaw, pitch, roll order.
985 body_rot_rate : numpy array
986 Initial body rotation rate (rad/s).
987 ref_lat_deg : float
988 Reference latitude in degrees.
989 ref_lon_deg : float
990 Reference longitude in degrees.
991 terrain_alt_wgs84 : float
992 Altitude of the terrain relative to WGS-84 model in meters, and the
993 home altitude for the starting NED positioin.
994 ned_mag_field : numpy array
995 Local magnetic field vector in NED frame and uT.
996 """
997 # self.vehicle.state[] = ref_lat_deg * d2r
998 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.lon] = ref_lon_deg * d2r
999 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84] = terrain_alt_wgs84
1000 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_msl] = wgs84.convert_wgs_to_msl(
1001 # ref_lat_deg * d2r, ref_lon_deg * d2r, self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84]
1002 # )
1003 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.ned_pos] = ned_pos.flatten()
1004 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_vel] = body_vel.flatten()
1005 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_rot_rate] = body_rot_rate.flatten()
1006 eul_inds = v_smap.yaw + v_smap.pitch + v_smap.roll
1007 self.vehicle.state[eul_inds] = eul_deg.flatten() * d2r
1009 if self._env_req_init:
1010 self.env.state[e_smap.mag_field] = ned_mag_field.flatten()
1011 self.env.state[e_smap.terrain_alt_wgs84] = terrain_alt_wgs84
1013 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.ned_pos] = ned_pos.flatten()
1014 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_vel] = body_vel.flatten()
1015 # eul_rad = eul_deg * d2r
1016 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.roll] = eul_rad[2]
1017 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.pitch] = eul_rad[1]
1018 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.yaw] = eul_rad[0]
1019 # dcm_earth2body = self.vehicle.eul_to_dcm(eul_deg[0]* d2r, eul_deg[1]* d2r, eul_deg[2]* d2r)
1020 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.ned_vel] = (
1021 # dcm_earth2body.T @ body_vel.reshape((3, 1))
1022 # ).flatten()
1023 # self.vehicle.set_dcm_earth2body(dcm_earth2body)
1024 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_rot_rate] = body_rot_rate.flatten()
1025 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_rot_accel] = np.zeros(3)
1026 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.body_accel] = np.zeros(3)
1027 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.ned_accel] = np.zeros(3)
1028 self.vehicle.ref_lat = ref_lat_deg * d2r
1029 self.vehicle.ref_lon = ref_lon_deg * d2r
1031 lla = ned_to_LLA(
1032 ned_pos.reshape((3, 1)),
1033 ref_lat_deg * d2r,
1034 ref_lon_deg * d2r,
1035 terrain_alt_wgs84,
1036 )
1037 self.vehicle.state[] = lla[0]
1038 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.lon] = lla[1]
1039 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84] = lla[2]
1040 self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_msl] = wgs84.convert_wgs_to_msl(
1041 lla[0],
1042 lla[1],
1043 lla[2]
1044 # ref_lat_deg * d2r,
1045 # ref_lon_deg * d2r,
1046 # terrain_alt_wgs84,
1047 )
1049 # initialize the remaining environment state by calling step
1050 # if self._env_req_init:
1051 # self.env.step(
1052 # self.vehicle.state[],
1053 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.lon],
1054 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_wgs84],
1055 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_msl],
1056 # )
1058 # get remaining vehicle derived states
1059 # (
1060 # gnd_trk,
1061 # gnd_speed,
1062 # fp_ang,
1063 # dyn_pres,
1064 # aoa,
1065 # airspeed,
1066 # sideslip_ang,
1067 # _,
1068 # _,
1069 # mach,
1070 # _,
1071 # _,
1072 # _,
1073 # alt_agl,
1074 # _,
1075 # ) = self.vehicle.calc_derived_states(
1076 # 1,
1077 # terrain_alt_wgs84,
1078 # self.env.state[e_smap.density],
1079 # self.env.state[e_smap.speed_of_sound],
1080 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.ned_vel],
1081 # ned_pos,
1082 # body_vel,
1083 # )
1085 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.gnd_trk] = gnd_trk
1086 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.gnd_speed] = gnd_speed
1087 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.fp_ang] = fp_ang
1088 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.dyn_pres] = dyn_pres
1089 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.aoa] = aoa
1090 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.aoa_rate] = 0
1091 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.airspeed] = airspeed
1092 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.sideslip_ang] = sideslip_ang
1093 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.sideslip_rate] = 0
1094 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.mach] = mach
1095 # self.vehicle.state[v_smap.alt_agl] = alt_agl
1097 self._env_req_init = False
1099 def get_state_mat(self, timestep, *args, **kwargs):
1100 """Gets the state matrix, should not be used.
1102 Parameters
1103 ----------
1104 timestep : float
1105 Current time.
1106 *args : tuple
1107 Additional arguments.
1108 **kwargs : dict
1109 Additional arguments.
1111 Raises
1112 ------
1113 RuntimeError
1114 This function should not be used.
1115 """
1116 raise RuntimeError("get_state_mat should not be used by this class!")
1118 def get_input_mat(self, timestep, *args, **kwargs):
1119 """Gets the input matrix, should not be used.
1121 Parameters
1122 ----------
1123 timestep : float
1124 Current time.
1125 *args : tuple
1126 Additional arguments.
1127 **kwargs : dict
1128 Additional arguments.
1130 Raises
1131 ------
1132 RuntimeError
1133 This function should not be used.
1134 """
1135 raise RuntimeError("get_input_mat should not be used by this class!")